
Loopy: No More Phone Drops, Easy One-Handed Use

Created by Loopy Cases

Loopy® has a patented loop to StoptheDrop™ & makes your phone easy to use one-handed! Available for iPhone 6/s, 6/s + & Galaxy S6.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Update!
over 9 years ago – Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 10:19:50 PM

Hey everyone!  Loopy is 22% funded!!

Looks like we are continually climbing with 29 days to go!  We've been contacting over 200 bloggers and everyone we can think of to help reach our goal.  You guys/girls are the true MVP's of Loopy, so please help us keep this momentum going by sharing with family and friends!  Also, if you have any connections or leads to get Loopy featured on a blog/etc, please message us! :)

To answer a frequent question just about everyone has had in mind: will our cases fit both the iPhone 6 and 6s models perfectly?  YES, absolutely.  We've made sure that your case will fit perfectly.

We'd love to hear who you are!  Your help has been one of the driving forces in creating Loopy and we're anxious to get to know those in the loop (or soon to be).  Please comment below and let us know! - yes, that rhymed!  ;)

* Please tell us a bit about yourself in the comments below! *

Thank you all so much for your continued support!  PS. We couldn't believe how many of you liked our previous update!  We've never seen a Kickstarter project with such an awesome group of people!!

PS. Please 'like' this update as well to keep boosting us on Kickstarter's algorithms! -

- JT, Jim, and Joey from Loopy :)